small rant to no one

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NerdyJones's avatar

Some of you would be like "This fucking bitch disappears and only comes to throw shit at us "
no, im trying to be nice this time and help you out with your OCs ---

I love how some people think for the simple reason of their country OC having an Army they deserve to have abs or something.
like, no?????

babes, If I gave Raquel Abs was for the simple reason of >>>  M e x i c o   i s   i n    w a r  < < <

She's now a really militarized country.

When President Felipe Calderón was gonna take the power he came surrounded by soldiers who were taking care of him and exactly the same day he took the power he declared the war against the drug cartels in Mexico.
Since that day, Raquel who had a normal abdomen because her lack of HARDCORE training (Abs aren't that easy to get) started to involucrate more into the security programs.

Mexican soldiers who were mostly used to help people in emergencies ( btw, Mexico has the best army in case of natural disasters #Pride )
had to take the guns and go outside their quarters and do their original job. Since the Mexican federal police is not really trustworthy within the citizens the soldiers do their jobs.

Again, Mexico is at war.
And whenever this fucking war ends, she will come back to her natural abdomen.

And you can say "Yeh My OC will have abs bc my OC has an army!!!!!!"
Fucking No.


Dont be dumb almost every country has an army, but that doesn't mean its army is at war or something, they can be like the Mexican Army who used to help people and that was all its job.
Abs aren't that easy to get, Raquel's been training for over 8 years really hard.
Mexican soldiers are sent every day to the US to train, so did Raquel in the 40s and now in the 00s  she has worked out a lot to get where she is.

And there are a lot of types of abs?? Six pack is the hardest, but they can have 4 pack or 2 pack or just a rlly nice tonned abdomen ????

Mexico is not only at war, it has turned into a really violent country (Thank you, Felipe Calderón but I want to thank Peña nieto more bc hes useless )) you see soldiers EVERYWHERE (Some of them are nice though, I love to wave my hand and they wave them bacK LMFAO) , you can get stuck between a shooting fight and it is the most awful shit ever is2g I have been stuck like 4 times, you see your family and friends moving to other states because their houses were destroyed by the bullets, the president can't go outside without an entourage of military.

And of course
the most important thing

Mexico is at war ,and so are many countries but... Is your Country OC in the 'red list' ??
The red list is that list where the countries' names are written when at war, they lose around 20,000 to 100,000 people every year.
Yup, Mexico is there, and like, only other 4 countries  ??  i dont remember there was a Map on tumblr but I didnt reblog it I believe.

Guys mexico is at the level of the middle east countries and some african countries.
Raquel doesnt have abs because she looks cute with those ????
it's because reality.

Be careful when you give your country a special feature.
Be Original and be careful when you do it.

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Concuerdo contigo la idea del 6 pack. de hecho lo mas dificil de tener no es el 6 pack en si, sino los cuaritos de hasta abajo, los que estan a la altura de las costillas flotantes y mas que nada las dos rayas del vientre bajo (lo se por experiencia).

se me hace lindo que raquel se prepare para combatir el narcotrafico. Solo nosotros sabemos que Mexico es tierra olvidada por Dios u_u y muy pocos saben lo de la violencia, los asesinatos, las balazeras y los secuestros (de nuevo, lo se por experiencia).

Me agrada la idea de que sea Raquel la que se prepare contra el narco, pero no lo digas por el ejercito. El ejercito tiene las manos tan embarradas como todos los politicos, solo es una imagen marcial para enmascarar. sino preguntale a los normalistas u_u Tristemente, cuando menos hay un gobierno estable es cuando mas se necesita la apariencia de una policia y milicia eficaz